Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sam Gye Tang!

There is a soup that you are supposed to drink here in the summer.  I know, I was skeptical about soup in the summer, but this soup is so delicious that it is worth eating any time of the year.  The original Korean calender had 24 months, and on the first day of the three hottest months, you are supposed to eat this soup.
Ok, the English name is Chicken Ginseng Stew.  You get a whole little chicken in a bowl with rice and ginseng.  The chicken is stuffed with garlic, a chestnut, and a jujube.  The soup is supposed to give you energy to face the heat of the summer.  The protein and ginseng are energy foods.  However, the soup just made us really full and happy.  This is a recipe I will definitely try to make in America.
Delicious Samgyetang!  Your own personal chicken in a bowl.

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