Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy Feet!

There is a health trend in South Korea that took us a while to figure out.  It has to do with your feet.  Apparently, if  you treat your feet right, the rest of your body will follow.  For instance there is a type of clay that is good for your feet.  They make long trails of it to walk on barefoot.  Its supposed to cure you of indigestion, diabetes, memory loss, and various other diseases.  Its supposed to be the clay that cures you, but I suspect the long walks have something to do with it.

The next foot treatment feels really good.  Here is a picture of us on one.  Riley is in front just wearing socks, and our Slovenian friend Anton is next.  He and I went on it barefoot.

Riley and Anton healing their bodies with their feet.  Its a foot massage path!
It feels so good!  Its a path of smooth rocks that vary every now and then with different sizes and styles of rocks.  You just have to look out for sticks and insects that may have fallen, but they are usually kept pretty clean.  You can find simple ones in lots of small parks, this one was a little more extensive because is was near a tourist spot.  You can see the sign on the right of the path that shows you what part of your foot will affect what part of your body.  All your body parts correspond to a section of your foot.  I'm not sure how true all these feet things are, but they sure feel nice on your feet!

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