Friday, August 9, 2013

Grading and Parking Garages

Even though we have lived in Korea for almost 2 years now, there are still little things that surprise me.  For example, the concept of tissue paper is foreign here.  Whenever I asked for it they started heading to the Kleenex. 

Two other little things have caught my attention.  Riley got his papers back from one of his classes, and they were covered with 0s.  It looked like he had gotten no points at all for most of his answers.  This was extra strange since he got 100 or greater on all of them.  We found out the a 0 is the same as a check mark here.  Xs still mean the same things, but triangles mean you get partial credit.

The other thing I saw recently is the amazing parking garages!  I don't know if this is a city thing everywhere, but the signs in the parking garage I went into were better than any I had ever been to before.  As you are driving around, each aisle has a little light up sign that tells you if there are any free spaces down that way.  If there is a free space and you turn to go down the aisle, you just look for the green light on the ceiling that indicates there isn't a car below it.  Once you park, the light turns red, and the aisle number goes down one.  This solves the drive around in circle problem common to most parking garages!  Alas, they have not come up with an easy way to remember where you parked your car.

1 comment:

  1. I have been so interested in the "little things" that you have mentioned throughout your stay there. That must be what "culture" means--the little things. --Sara
