Saturday, July 6, 2013

Health Check!

So, before we go back to America, we wanted to have a complete check up in Korea to make sure we were doing ok.  I scheduled a "Plus" health check which was the middle-sized package.  I wasn't allowed to eat for 8 hours beforehand because of the blood test and the endoscopy.  I showed up at 9 in the morning, and was told to go to the locker room and change into the clothes I would find in the locker.  It contained a comfortable linen pants and shirt.  I also had a pair of comfortable sandals to wear except they were for Korean feet.  I had to go to the front desk and ask for bigger shoes.  The lady tried to find me some bigger women's sandals, but I ended up getting men's sandals.  They fit perfectly.
Then the testing began.  I went from station to station getting my height, blood pressure, muscle mass, hearing, blood, and heart checked.  Besides the blood test, all of the exams were automated.  I was hooked up to various machines holding metal things or covered in suction cups.  It was all very quick and efficient.  Then I went to get the extra stuff done.  Vision, chest x-ray (standard to check for TB), and abdomen ultrasound.  I wasn't really expecting the abdomen ultrasound.  It was strange to have someone looking at my kidneys, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and spleen.  It also tickled.
Then was the endoscopy.  Endoscopy is a horrible experience, if you've never had one, but the nurses were very nice and efficient.  As soon as it was over, I got to go over and see nice color pictures of my stomach.
It was a whirlwind of tests, I barely had to wait for anything.  I haven't gotten the full report back yet, but I am healthy as far as the immediate tests go!  But even better, the whole thing cost $120 without insurance!

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