Sunday, June 23, 2013

Why so many Koreans get their PhD

Koreans are crazy about their college degrees.  More than half of young adults have a college degree and you almost have to get a masters to work in a company.  A high number also get their PhD.  Since Riley is just getting his master's degree, many people ask him why he is not getting his PhD.  His fellow Korean graduate students are all getting their PhD, why not him?
We just recently discovered the answer to why Koreans almost expect everyone to get the PhD if they decide to get any graduate degree.  It lies in another aspect of Korean life.
Many of you may know that South Korea is still currently at war with North Korea.  In day to day life this fact does not affect life very much.  However, every South Korean male is required to do 2 years of military service.  This is dreaded by most of them, and from their stories it doesn't sound like much fun.  Lots of physical labor and strange tasting food.
So what does this have to do with getting your PhD?  If you get your PhD, you only have to do 4 weeks of basic training.  The mystery is solved!  Of course this doesn't apply to Riley, but I think its a subconscious aspect of life now for South Koreans.

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