Friday, September 30, 2011

Saturday Ride

This morning, Riley and I took a jog/ride.  Since Riley is a much faster runner than I am, I usually fall way behind when we run together, but today we had the idea that I could ride my bike and Riley could run.  It worked really well and I wanted to tell you what we saw on our ride.

We went to the river near our house that has biking and running paths all over it.  It is really pretty because there are bridges for people that are just square rocks in a line with plenty of room for the water to go between.  The river is also always full of white egrets. 

So, we pasted (or rather got passed) by some serious bikers.  In Korea, when you take up a hobby, you get the who outfit.  These guys (girls?) wore biking pants, jackets, gloves, bandanas, hats, and sunglasses.  We also passes families with children on training wheels, children just off of training wheels, and people just biking leisurely along the river. 

Next to the river there is a flat grassy spot where we passed students playing baseball.  It seems whenever we pass Korean students around middle school age, they love shouting out "Hello!" or "Good Morning!" to practice english.  Most of them were playing baseball.  (Koreans love baseball!)  After we passes the baseball-playing students, we passed some tiny Koreans playing soccer.  They were probably 6 or 7, but I think they were better than me.  Then we passed a group of people practicing a flag routine.  It reminded me of my marching band days.  There was also a group that I think was a drum group, but they were just standing around.  There was a huge stack of drums nearby though.  Under one of the bridges there was an official soccer/volleyball game going on (they even had a referee).  It looked almost exactly like volleyball, except they were using their feet and the net was a lot lower. 

Today was a wonderful day to be outside!  Its perfect autumn weather.  It makes me miss pumpkin pie!  You can get pumpkins here, they are just little and green.  Actually, Koreans call all squash "pumpkins."  I'm not sure what all will happen in a Korean fall, but the weather is just like at home!  And, we get to celebrate 3 Thanksgivings this year!  Korean, American, and Canadian!  If I can just figure out how to make pie crust, maybe I can make a Korean pumpkin pie...

Anyways, right before we turned around, we passed a golf driving range someone had set up next to the river.  It looked like a kit you could set up anywhere.  People had their drivers ready and were wearing their golf outfit. 

We came back the way we went, so it was just more of the same.  More "Hellos" from the students.  Riley ran through a flock of pigeons and almost caught one!  We passed more packs of students on bicycles and more families out enjoying the beautiful day. 


  1. Volsocennis?

  2. It is gorgeous here too. It was actually chilly today, but the sunlight was bright -- a crisp fall day. I really enjoy reading the blog!
