Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Vending Machines

I have decided to post some little entries so that people can stay interested and I don't have to write as much.  I still need to give you some big updates, but I realized something interesting today about Korea.

Korea's vending machines have almost everything.  The ones in our building can give you yogurt, cereal, milk, soda, hot coffee, and hot chocolate.  They also have one for meat on a stick (not as bad as it sounds) and even cigarettes (with a place to put your ID card to make sure you are old enough).  I know of one near the cafeteria that can serve you hot ramen.  With all these amazing thing you can get from vending machines, there is one thing you cannot get.  I have yet to see a vending machine with candy.  No candy bars, no honey buns, no lance crackers.  I was so taken with the meat on a stick machine I didn't even miss the candy, but today I was craving chocolate and realized I couldn't just go to a box and get some.  Maybe that's one of the reasons everyone here is so skinny...

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