Sunday, September 25, 2011

Korean Diet

Exciting news, Riley's lost 10 lbs!  Korean food is very healthy.  Cheese and butter are expensive here and are not used much in any restaurant.  Even pizza doesn't quite have the amount of cheese you would get, and its not as greasy.  Pizza here also has another Korean twist. You know how in high school the cafeteria always served pizza with corn, here they do to except that the corn is on the pizza.  All pizzas, even cheese.  Another strange Korean food.  Riley got an ice cream sandwich the other day.  It was actually ice cream with bread around it.  You can also get ice cream here that is not in a waffle cone, but actually on a waffle (a normal breakfast waffle that is not eaten for breakfast).  Riley doesn't understand why waffle ice cream wasn't developed in the US because he thinks its amazing.
What Koreans eat for breakfast is actually a good question.  I have yet to see a restaurant which serves breakfast.  Coffee shops here don't even open until 9 in the morning.  They don't have biscuits!!!I have yet to see oatmeal.  When you ask a korean what they eat for breakfast, I think they think you are joking.  The reason is, they eat for breakfast what they eat every other meal of the day: rice, soup, vegetables, meat, and kimchi.  We just got back from a church retreat, and I couldn't bring myself to eat the kimchi for breakfast, I just stuck with the rice and the soup.  Sometimes Korean do just eat cereal though.
So, with our new diet of cheese being so rare and expensive that we cannot afford much, and butter not being common, Riley now weighs what he did in middle school!

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