Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nature in Korea

At last!  The long-awaited post from me (Margaret) about what plants and animals we have encountered in Korea.  I have been making observations all along, but until today I had not experienced wild Korea.  Due to a change in plans, this was out first free Saturday in Daejeon to explore things.  After examining the map (which is actually in chinese since they didn't have any english tourist maps of Daejeon where I got this one) we decided to check out a Nature Park just outside Daejeon.
To get there we had to take the subway.  The subways here are pretty much just like the ones in the US, but since I hardly ever have ridden on them it was fun.  Especially the random saxophone concert complete with stage and chairs.  We rode to the south of the city and walked to the beginning of the trail.  Its harder to find a trailhead when you don't know what the signs say, but there were a lot of people taking advantage of the nice day.  We followed a well-traveled route, stopping halfway for ice cream where the trail crosses the road at a fitness park.
these fitness parks are like outdoor weight rooms.  Most of the equipment you find in a weight room is streamlined into simple machines that are scattered across the city.  Some of these devices are not related to any exercises I have heard of, especially the one that's only purpose seems to be making you spin in circles.  we've tried all the ones we have found so far.  Also, our ice cream was interesting.  Riley's was honey dew flavored and I decided to be adventurous and tried a red bean milk one.  It had red beans in it and was very creamy.  Surprisingly good!
Mountains here are very steep.  Either the land is very flat, or very steep, there doesn't seem to be much in between.  After lots of stairs we found out where all the people were going.  At the top of the mountain was a beautiful gazebo overlooking the whole city of Daejeon!  It was amazing.  We could also see into the parts of Korea we haven't been yet.  Lots and lots of mountains upon mountains! 

The view from the top!

Plants I have seen (I'm using the name we call them in the US, they might just be a very similar species): Kudzo (lots of kudzo, but most of it under control), Locust, a species of white pine, mimosa, japanese chestnut, Japanese maple, another pine, fir, sycamore, ginko, and dayflower. 
These are just the ones I recognized.

Animals: A dark brown squirrel with a slightly fluffier tail, a herd of cats that lives near the student center on campus, lots of snowy and great egrets (I think), Great Blue Herons!, miscellaneous ducks and geese, a black and white striped butterfly, a swallowtail butterfly, a bird that acts like a crow called a "ggachee," flocks of some tiny brown bird, a insect that looks like a red and black moth but acts like a hopper, and various sealife in tanks in front of restaurants.

I will keep a look out for more and hopefully we will find a field guide to help me ID more.

The trip back was fairly uneventful.  We stopped in an E-mart Tradders which was like Sams Club except not a club.  We got a few things, but things were so bulked it was hard to get a reasonable amount of anything.  I think we will stick to Home Plus and Lotte Mart.  By the way, if you are planning to visit and have a Costco card, there is a Costco here and your card from America will work here too!


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