Monday, February 19, 2018

The Olympic Addendum Part VIII: Party buses!

The Olympic arenas are on the other side of town, so we have to ride the bus to get there. The Koreans have provided free bus service throughout the area for the Olympics, which is a big plus.  The buses for the Olympics are from across the land, even as far south as Jeju Island. We haven’t seen any Japanese or Chinese buses however.

The charter buses in Korea are pimped out with bling.  When we first got here back in 2011, I thought the bling was silly and dumb, but now the buses have grown on me.   For a while, buses were used as moving Norae Bang (Karoke) rooms, until the practice was banned approximately 10 years ago, for rather obvious reasons.

Dongsaeng Gangwon Style! (Courtesy of Oppa John)

Another example of a bus with bling

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