Monday, February 12, 2018

It's Daejeon!

We said goodbye to Kevin and Lucy, and proceeded to our former home, Daejeon. We stayed with our friend Ashely, who is also an English Teacher. Ashely has recently been hooked up with a mission organization to teach Syrian refugees somewhere in Europe, which is very exciting.

Ashely took us out to dinner with Mijin, Kim Sujin, his wife Sophia, and their daughter Ga-un.  Kim Sujin is an unofficial ambassador of South Korea.  When he was in university, he studied abroad in Oklahoma, which is a go-to destination for English language learners. His host family was from the beloved island of Puerto Rico, which has been the victim of misfortune lately.  The Puerto Ricans of Oklahoma, treated Sujin very well, and were unofficial ambassadors of the US, showing him the best America has to offer.  Since then, Sujin has made it his work to welcome foreigners to Korea in much the same way. When we were very new to S Korea, Sujin took us to Gangwando, the province where the Olympics are being held, and we learned how Koreans have fun on family vacations, and got to see the amazing foraging skills that his aunts had retained from harder times.  We had some delicious wild mushrooms and wild caught fish on that trip (post here). On that trip, I was also served Korean spicy soup—the hottest thing I’ve ever eaten and actually liked.  I've ordered this at some resturaunts, but I think they gave me the milder version formulated especially for the Western palette (or my taste buds had been thoroughly burned off by that point.) 

The next day after reuniting with our old associates, we were able to get out and see a bit of Daejeon. We have some pictures below. Then, we departed for Ganglung for the Olympics.

Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people sitting and food
Dinner with old friends

The famous Expo Bridge

Margaret under a random bridge in Daejeon

Stepping stones across the Gapcheon river. Don't fall in :-) 

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