Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rainy Season

A couple weeks ago I was woken up at 5 in the morning to FLASH! BOOM BOOM RUMBLE RUMBLE...  Welcome to the rainy season!  Even though that has been the only loud thunderstorm thus far, it rains almost every day.  Its one of those steady rains that is less than a downpour and more than a drizzle. 

The good thing about all the rain is, its almost always cloudy so the sun doesn't come out a lot to make the world into a sauna.  There are breaks in the rain.  Yesterday we woke up to a steady rain, but by the time we were ready to go to work it had stopped.  Then, it rained again that evening, stopped for a while, and started raining again this morning. 

It also doesn't help there is a typhoon on the way here weaving its way around Japan to hit only Korea.  Daejeon is in the middle of the country, so we will just get more rain and probably won't even notice its a typhoon.

The rivers are very happy and some of our rock bridges have disappeared.  But even then, its not as bad as we were expecting, we just take our raincoats with us where ever we go.  Raincoats are not the fashion here.  People only use umbrellas, they even bike with them.  Koreans get very concerned when we start to walk in the rain with only raincoats.  I think historically the rain may have carried bad things in it during the war, and this idea carried on in the minds of the adjumas and adjushies.  The rain is fine now, but raincoats are still "American style" rain protection!

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