Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Things people say

If you ever go to Asia, one of the first challenges you face it telling people apart.  Everyone here has dark eyes and dark hair.  People also have similar hair cuts to match the current fashion.  It takes a while to figure out how to tell people apart.  You would think it would be easier for them to tell Westerners apart since we have a variety of hair colors and eye colors, but they feel the same way about us as we do about them.  Everyone with brown hair looks like they are related.

This makes for interesting conversation.  In Korea, couples looking alike is a good thing (I don't really know why, their standards of beauty are very uniform).  People say Riley and I look alike all the time, and they don't seem to realize its not really a good thing since it implies we are related. 

By Korean standards I am beautiful because: my nose has a bridge, my eyes are wide, and I have blue eyes.  They would be surprised to know that in the US I am not considered a "beautiful person."

Koreans tend to call the odd things foreigners do as "cute" which is why lots of Koreans told me my dad was very cute (they call Riley cute too).

A Chinese friend told us that my mom sounded British, but my dad didn't.  We were also told that my parents were very calm people.  I was confused until I remembered this person used to live in New York City.

One other thing someone said, and I haven't had the chance to get her to explain more, it that she was very surprised to see how proud my parents are of Riley and I.  She said that Korean parents would never tell people they were proud of their children.