Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mom and Dad's Trip Concluded

After a whirlwind 10 day tour of Riley and Margaret's favorite places in Korea, Mom and Dad made it safely back home. 
We took them to see our work place and what a traditional market looks like.  The we took them for Sam Gap Sal that evening, but I think they were too jet lagged to enjoy it too much.  The next day was rainy, so we went to the Natural Science Museum so I could show them the Korean wildlife and how to make Kimchi.  Then we went to the Arboretum to see Korean plants.
The next few day we went to Gyeongju.  This is a town that used to be the capital of one of the three kingdoms, and it has huge tombs for the kings and queens.  There is also a famous temple and many famous Buddhas.  We climbed a mountain that was very steep and rocky, but the views were worth it.

Mom and Dad on top of Namsan

 Back in Daejeon, we visited the nearby national park for some hiking and souvenirs before heading back to get ready to have our bible study. 
We then visited Gong-ju to see the old fortress and some more museums. 
The next day we went to lunch at a Korean household.  The guy who had us over is our small group leader for our mission training classes.  It was delicious!  They even had cheesy pasta!
The rest of the time was just visiting and packing.  It was a great visit!  We didn't even have time to get to Seoul.  They wore Riley and I out!

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