Monday, May 7, 2012

One Year!

First off, I want to thank everyone who wished us a happy anniversary!  Its still hard to believe its been a while year since we stood on the porch with everyone there.  I miss all of you and I wish we could have a similar occasion again to have everyone we love together in one place.

In Korea, to celebrate our anniversary we escaped from Daejeon and took a bus to a nearby small town for the weekend.  This town was once the capital of one of the three kingdoms in Korea around the 500s.  They have a beautiful fortress with stone walls and trails.  Though not as fancy, it reminded us of the Great Wall of China.  The town also had a lot of tombs with an underground tomb museum.  The really really nice thing about going to historical sites in Korea, is that almost all the informative signs are half in English!

We also had a delicious meal with grilled fish and lots of side dishes.  The quality of a restaurant in Korea depends on the amount and variety of side dishes.  There are normal ones that you pretty much always have (kimchi, sesame leaves, picked radishes), but in fancier restaurants you get quail eggs, tofu soup, crabs, and candied sweet potatoes.

To celebrate the actual day on Monday, we got a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake!  Yay for anniversaries!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, can't believe it's been a whole year! Here's to many more!

    Miss you,
