Monday, April 2, 2012

Koreans are Church Crazy

Somehow, Riley and I found ourselves trying to sing "Give Thanks" in Chinese at 5am this morning.  This is not an easy thing to do. 
It all started when Riley got "volunteered" by someone to help with the special music at the 5:30am service that they have at church EVERY DAY!  They apparently takes turns doing special music and it was the foreign ministries' turn to do it.  Why people get up early every day to go to an hour long service at 5:30 in the morning is beyond me.  Riley's not sure how we ended up getting involved either, at least it was just one day.  We sang the song first in English, then Chinese, and then Korean.  The Korean wasn't too bad since I do know how to pronounce it, but I have no idea how to pronounce the Chinese ryn rion zu du, ping choing, xian xie, etc.  We tried to listen to the Chinese people, but I think most of us non-Chinese just sang very quietly.  The service was all in Korean, good practice for understanding Korean if we had been more awake.  I just managed to not fall asleep during the sermon, then we got home at 6:30 and went back to sleep.  Hopefully it will be a long time before its our turn to do the special music again.

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