Monday, February 20, 2012

Valentine's Day

Last week we had Valentine's Day.  They have it in Korea too.  Riley gave me a box of peanut butter candy (with the restriction that he got half), and I gave him half a box of donuts.  You may be wondering why I gave Riley something?  In Korea, Valentine's Day is the day girls give the guy presents only (Riley just wanted candy).  One of our Korean friends told us it was the first time he got anything from his girlfriend. 
Korea makes things fair, though.  One month later, on March 14, they have White Day.  This is when the guys have to give the girl's a present.  (We will see if Riley thinks about it)
And to be really fair, one month after that, on April 14, they have Black Day.  This is the day to celebrate being single.  So, if you didn't have a good Valentine's or White Day, this is the holiday to make up for it.  I'm not exactly sure what they do to celebrate it, but if its interesting I will let you know.

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