Saturday, August 27, 2011

Daejeon! (or Daejon or Taejon)

Since the last posting we have experienced lots of new things.  I don't think I will be able to cover them all in this post, but I am sure they will come out as we get used to how things work here on the other side of the world.  Since our last posting, we have traveled south to our new home city.  We rode on a limousine bus (which was just like a small tour bus) straight to Daejeon.  The countryside was beautiful!  In Incheon, the islands were mountainous and on the mainland the mountains went almost to the sea.  Korea has mountains everywhere!  The greatest thing about these mountains is the fact there are no giant housing developments on any of them!  People live in the valleys only.  Here is Daejeon the city is in the very flat river valleys and the little mountains (or hills depending on where you grew up) are forested, even if they are in the middle of the city!  After arriving in Daejeon, we took a taxi to the Guest House, where we are staying until we move into our new apartment this afternoon. 
I am so glad we are not going to drive here!  They must not teach the leaving room between yourself and other cars rule I learned in drivers ed.  For example, when you turn off your car here, the side mirrors fold in.  Many cars here have blue foam stuck to the ends of their doors so they don't dent other cars when they inevitably hit them while getting out of the car. 
Friday, we contacted Dr. Yim and the next few hours was a whirlwind of paperwork.  Dr. Yim has a car, so it was quicker to get around, though still scary.  We went out to eat with his family that evening to a Korean restaurant.  If you don't know anything about Korean food, the most interesting thing is the side dishes.  You usually order some sort of meat, but the rest of the food is relatively standard.  you get a bowl of rice, sometimes soup and porridge, and then the side dishes.  Usually there would be 3 or 4, but at this place we had over 20!  Two kinds of kim-chee and various other vegetable prepared in different ways.  Everything was delicious!  Riley fell asleep at the dinner table, so they took us back to the Guest House!
Its good to be safely here in Daejeon!   The next post will be about our Saturday shopping experiences!


  1. Wow! Wish I'd had a camera when Riley fell asleep at the dinner table. Can't wait for more posts.

  2. Have you introduced Korea to the napkin chicken yet?

  3. They don't have napkins here. You get issued tissues and water after meals. You can however get them in Western style establishments of which there is no shortage.
