Thursday, September 26, 2013

But wait, there's more!

Some of you may know that Riley and I are actually moved back to the US and are no longer in South Korea eating kimchi.  Though this is true, this does not mean we are done with this blog.  The last few weeks in Korea were hectic, so there is a small back log of blog posts that I did not get a chance to put up.  Coming soon will be a description of our lab's "MT," a visit to the most beautiful place in South Korea, a list of what we will miss (and not miss) in Korea, and our reverse culture shock experiences! 
Before the back log of posts, I thought I would update you on how we are doing.  Riley now has a master's degree in Nuclear and Quantum Engineering (the quantum part sounds cool, but we are not sure what it actually means).  He is currently applying to lots and lots of jobs, and today he scheduled his first phone interview!  Where we will end up is still unknown, but we will be within at least one day's driving of all the parents.
While Riley applies to jobs, I get to run around and do all the little stuff that needs to get done when you switch countries.  We bought a car!  We have independence!  Job-wise, since I can get jobs in many places, but Riley can only get jobs in a few places, I have to wait.  After we figure out where we will live, I will be applying to lots of places!
Meanwhile, we are staying with my parents, so if you want to visit look for us there.  There is lots of room and its beautiful here!
One tidbit of reverse culture shock, when we bought our car and had to sign our names, there was plenty of room and we didn't have to squeeze our signature into the little box they use for the official red stamps.  Its little things like that that will stick with us for a while.

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