Friday, April 19, 2013

Back in South Korea

We just returned from a wonderful trip to the US where we saw lots and lots of friends and family.  I talked so much my throat got sore!  Besides being big and all the food tasting like butter, there were two other things about America that really stood out this time.  The first was the diversity of faces.  I kept wanting to just stare at all the people I met.  This would have been a little strange and creepy, so just glanced around a lot.  There are so many shapes and colors of people's faces!  I know I did not notice them before I left for Korea, but I miss the diversity and the fact that people treat you relatively equal (compared to Korea where across a lawn yesterday we were spied out as different by a pre-school class and they yelled out "hello" to us). 
The next thing about America that hit us this visit was the news media.  We knew what was going on with North Korea before we left, but we didn't realize how sensational it was being portrayed on the news.  No wonder people were concerned!  Over here, no one really cares too much about what is going on.  No one thinks that North Korea will attack at all.  Like the BBC said, the farther away you get from South Korea, the worse the news gets about North Korea.
Now we are back in our tiny apartment (which feels big to us) and life is back to normal.  We have already had our kimchi!

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