Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas!

From our tiny tree to yours, Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Our Christmas was so much better than last year (its not hard to beat a stomach flu Christmas) and thank you for remembering us!

We had a white Christmas this year!

Christmas in Korea is very different, unless you go to a church it is just a time where couples give each other gifts.  There are even events where singles can gather to try to find other single people.  Our Christmas was more normal.  We opened presents, baked cookies, and watched Christmas specials. 

This is a Christmas cake.  I think they got this tradition from Britain.
So, Riley and I are doing well.  We like our tiny apartment and can cook almost anything we miss from America in our tiny oven.  Riley is started to get his experiment up and running (he likes to make things glow in the furnace), and my projects are going well if a bit slow.  This next year will be busy for us.  Riley should graduate and we will be moving back to the US sometime in the fall.  Then we will have to get real jobs.  We are visiting in April for my sister's wedding, so we hope to see you people in the US then!

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