Sunday, October 14, 2012

Korean Roadkill

You can tell a lot about an area by what kind of roadkill it has.  Riley and I have been exploring the country roads around Daejeon lately on our bicycles.  In the city I have only seen a few mice and bird roadkill (the tiny dogs here seem well behaved and don't run out into the street much), but in the country I was shocked by the clean roads.  There were no funny smells along the way.  In the first trip, for the first part the biggest roadkills I saw were praying mantises.  After a while I finally saw a small snake squished in the road, but there wasn't anything big at all.  They don't have possums or armadillo-type animals, so that means less roadkill.  Their larger mammals (deer and racoon dogs) aren't very abundant, so I suppose they don't get hit much. 
On this latest trip I saw another small snake squished (it was really pretty, I think it is called a flower snake), but I also saw the most exciting roadkill yet!  I saw a very flat weasel!  I didn't even know they had weasels in Korea! 
Since I have seen little roadkill in Korea, I don't think there is abundant wildlife, but at least there are snakes and weasels!

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