Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas in Korea

Even though Korea is the only Eastern Asian country to have Christmas as a national holiday, they still only give you one day off.  Since Christmas was on Sunday, we didn't get any time off.  Christmas in Korea is also considered differently.  Instead of a time to be with family and friends, it is a couple holiday where you take out your significant other to a coffee shop and concert.  I think Santa Clause is slowly becoming more popular, but nothing close to the US.  Another big tradition for Koreans (and Japanese) is the Christmas Cake.  The bakeries sell these cakes with Christmas decorations to eat Christmas day.  Instead of turkey or ham, they usually have chicken (in fried form) for Christmas.

At least many public places decorate for Christmas!  We saw our share of Christmas lights and Christmas trees. (Strangely, there is usually a big banner on a Christmas tree that says "Merry Christmas") I even saw a few lighted reindeer.  And it did snow Christmas Eve, so it was still a mostly White Christmas!  We bought a tiny tree that fit our tiny apartment, and it actually turned out kind of pretty.

Sorry its sideways, but here is our Christmas Tree!

Our first Christmas together was memorable even if it did not turn out to be a very happy one.  Riley had a stomach virus Christmas eve, which was not pleasant.  He was still a little sick Christmas, but we were able to talk to Mom, Dad, Laura, and Grandma, as well as Diane and Ruth, on Skype.  I was able to make it to church and take a shoebox of gifts for the orphanage.  We spent a lot of Christmas with Riley sick in bed and Margaret trying to find Christmas specials on the computer.  Oh well, there is always next year...

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