Friday, November 18, 2011

Road Show Notes

Growing up, my Dad and I were ham radio operators.  We were friends (and still are) with a bunch of ham radio operators in western NC.  We all used to go to the Waffle House and eat.  I always had waffles, and everyone else had other yummy things there.  In Korea, the waffles are a bit better, so I want to recommend to all of my ham radio buddies (any anyone else) that the next time they go to Waffle House, they need to have their waffles the Korean Way (Or maybe the American-Korean way or the Korean-American way).  Get ready...  The way Korean eat waffles is with ice cream on top.  I know it sounds strange, and I was kind of weirded out at first, but its really yummy.  So ask the waitress for a big scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of the waffle.  It's worth all of the strange looks you will get from your American friends.  I promise.   Think about it: waffles are covered with sugar (syrup) and fat (butter) anyway.  That's basically what ice cream is.  They're both dessert foods, so there is no reason why it shouldn't work.